A place where the body and mind are united by contemplation and ecology making life and happiness auto sustainable.
Retreat places for short, medium and long term.
Participants can join a contemplative program guide by our instructors and learn the practices of Yoga, Meditation with the ecology-school support in an environment rich in nature.
Spaces where the mind can find comfort within natural elements.
Participants can join contemplative programs is spaces where the mind can take inspiration and the body find comfort to become a witness of your inner power.
Cultivating Emotional Balance
This contemplative training can fit and support any kind of life style, from athletes, business man-woman, yoga practitioners to any philosophical or religious view.
The program is sustain by scientific studies and more than 6M USD in research. Can be given in a different set of hours or by subjects, according to interest of the audience.
Buddha Dharma
Is a series of teachings within the context of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, the format of these teachings is divided in two of the same source, being the first the Philosophical view of the teaching and the second is the practical teaching – the meditation, with these format is possible to achieve full integration of the teachings.

Osel Vega has a training for more than 20 years in contemplative science.
His contemplative training began when he was playing amateur and professional Golf tournaments his life was dedicate it to the Golf view and life style.
Later his karma brought him back to his source, The Buddhist tradition, where he was able to formalize his training with years of training in the foundational base achieving the view that enabled him to join the Great Vehicle and later entering in the Vajrayana-Tantric view through the NygmapaSchool. These training has taken him 15 years and he was able to be close to his teachers and spent the proper time in the different practices.
His training has been taken in different environments; city, beach, mountain and cave. In the Himalayas he spent 6 years, 2 years in retreat and 4 studying, most of the time with his community in the Holy Caves of Tso Pema (Nepal-India-Tibet) following the instructions of his teachers – the mountain yogi view.
Foundational training · Mahayana training · Tantric Training · Nahuatl tradition
Casa Tibet México – Marco Antonio Karam
Santa Barba Institute – Alan Wallace
India: Lama WangdorRimpoche
- TsampaLama Rimpoche
- Lama JikgmeRimpoche
Nepal: LoponJikgmeRimpoche
- SagnakTenzin Rmpoche

The purpose of the contemplative training is to integrate the point of view of the philosophical teaching with the meditation. The guided meditation is meant to take the mind to the direct experience of wisdom.
Integration and Positioning the new wisdom perspective is the platform for transformation, therefore the emphasis of the Discerning Wisdom practice is in the process to take the meditator or practitioner from the conceptual phase first and then to the direct experience with a simple process of opening the conceptual layer in order to access to a space of mind more suitable for direct integration.
The practice of Mindfulness as mere attention is always in all the trainings as a base for giving rise to a suitable mind, where is not distract by the phenomena around.
The practice of Mindfulness as attentional tool is need it to start the journey of understanding the potential of the mind and achieve transformation through Discerning Wisdom. However there are other tools that can be practice in the midst of modernity and with these practices is possible to obtain stability in the mind and access to wisdom.
The programs created for the contemplative training, including philosophy and meditation, has the aim to give to the practitioner the immediate experience of well being.
In order to obtain the sensation of well being, two aspects should be involve, the aspect of Discerning Awareness, being the understanding of certain aspect of reality and the stability (mindfulness) of these experience. When these two are together is easier to access to a deeper layers of the mind.
In the case of beginners is good to separate the practice of Mindfulness and the aspect of Discerning Wisdom. In some cases is necessary and possible to have programs for different levels of practitioners beginner, medium and advance.

Emotional Balance can be experience once the Attentional, Conative and Cognitive aspects of the mind are in tune.

The list of the contemplative programs is extensive and should be discuss in person to find what are the most appropriate for the type of audience.
For optimal result gradual progression on the topics is recommended.
Here are some examples of the trainings:
Meditations (fixed duration) – Secular view:
Discerning Reality, Emotional mindfulness, Patience as a mental reaction.
Mind Source and Functions, Memory interpretation, Constructive emotions, CronicPain.
Meditations (fixed duration)- Philosophical view:
Mind as the source of well being, Temporal nature of emotions, Nature of Mind.
Altruistic mind, Source of suffering, Mundane distractions.
Karmic tendencies, Purification of actions, Death and Impermanence.
other activities
Conference and meditation
In order to get to a broader audience the conference is giving as a talk on a selected topic, this will serve as a preparation for a cycle of meditative practices for a fixed number of session. In this way certain audience only attend the Conference and other attend the complete program.
Most of the trainings can be giving as a workshop, where people have intense interaction with the training and can last 2 or 3 days.
These are the ones that currently exist but with more instructors more workshops can be create.